Install Xcode Command Line Tools Terminal

  1. Apple's Command Line Developer Tools can be installed on recent OS versions by running this command in the Terminal: xcode-select -install. Older versions are found at the Apple Developer site, or they can be installed from within Xcode back to version 4. Users of Xcode 3 or earlier can install them by ensuring that the appropriate option(s.
  2. ## Install DevToolsIf you have `pub` on your path, you can run:```pub global activate devtools```If you have `flutter` on your path, you can run:```flutter pub global activate devtools```That command installs (or updates) DevTools on your machine.## Launch the DevTools application serverNext, run the local web server, which serves the DevToolsapplication.
  3. To develop Flutter apps for iOS, you need a Mac with Xcode installed. Install the latest stable version of Xcode (using web download or the Mac App Store). Configure the Xcode command-line tools to use the newly-installed version of Xcode by running the following from the command line.

Mas is only able to install/update applications that are listed in the Mac App Store itself. Use softwareupdate(8) utility for downloading system updates (like iTunes, Xcode Command Line Tools, etc) To install all pending updates run mas upgrade.

Install Git on Mac OS X

There are several ways to install Git on a Mac. In fact, if you've installed XCode (or it's Command Line Tools), Git may already be installed. To find out, open a terminal and enter git --version.

Apple actually maintain and ship their own fork of Git, but it tends to lag behind mainstream Git by several major versions. You may want to install a newer version of Git using one of the methods below:

Git for Mac Installer

The easiest way to install Git on a Mac is via the stand-alone installer:

  1. Download the latest Git for Mac installer.

  2. Follow the prompts to install Git.

  3. Open a terminal and verify the installation was successful by typing git --version:

  4. Configure your Git username and email using the following commands, replacing Emma's name with your own. These details will be associated with any commits that you create:

  5. (Optional) To make Git remember your username and password when working with HTTPS repositories, configure the git-credential-osxkeychain helper.

Install Git with Homebrew

If you have installed Homebrew to manage packages on OS X, you can follow these instructions to install Git:

  1. Open your terminal and install Git using Homebrew:

  2. Verify the installation was successful by typing which git --version:

  3. Configure your Git username and email using the following commands, replacing Emma's name with your own. These details will be associated with any commits that you create:

  4. (Optional) To make Git remember your username and password when working with HTTPS repositories, install the git-credential-osxkeychain helper.

Install Git with MacPorts

If you have installed MacPorts to manage packages on OS X, you can follow these instructions to install Git:

  1. Open your terminal and update MacPorts:

  2. Search for the latest available Git ports and variants:

  3. Install Git with bash completion, the OS X keychain helper, and the docs:

  4. Configure your Git username and email using the following commands, replacing Emma's name with your own. These details will be associated with any commits that you create:

  5. (Optional) To make Git remember your username and password when working with HTTPS repositories, configure the git-credential-osxkeychain helper.

Install the git-credential-osxkeychain helper

Bitbucket supports pushing and pulling your Git repositories over both SSH and HTTPS. To work with a private repository over HTTPS, you must supply a username and password each time you push or pull. The git-credential-osxkeychain helper allows you to cache your username and password in the OSX keychain, so you don't have to retype it each time.

  1. If you followed the MacPorts or Homebrew instructions above, the helper should already be installed. Otherwise you'll need to download and install it. Open a terminal window and check:

    If you receive a usage statement, skip to step 4. If the helper is not installed, go to step 2.

  2. Use curl to download git-credential-osxkeychain (or download it via your browser) and move it to /usr/local/bin:

  3. Make the file an executable:

  4. Configure git to use the osxkeychain credential helper.

    The next time Git prompts you for a username and password, it will cache them in your keychain for future use.

Install Git with Atlassian Sourcetree

Sourcetree, a free visual Git client for Mac, comes with its own bundled version of Git. You can download Sourcetree here.

To learn how to use Git with Sourcetree (and how to host your Git repositories on Bitbucket) you can follow our comprehensive Git tutorial with Bitbucket and Sourcetree.

Build Git from source on OS X

Building Git can be a little tricky on Mac due to certain libraries moving around between OS X releases. On El Capitan (OS X 10.11), follow these instructions to build Git:

  1. From your terminal install XCode's Command Line Tools (if you haven't already):

  2. Install Homebrew.

  3. Using Homebrew, install openssl:

  4. Clone the Git source (or if you don't yet have a version of Git installed, download and extract it):

  5. To build Git run make with the following flags:

Install Git on Windows

Git for Windows stand-alone installer

  1. Download the latest Git for Windows installer.

  2. When you've successfully started the installer, you should see the Git Setup wizard screen. Follow the Next and Finish prompts to complete the installation. The default options are pretty sensible for most users.

  3. Open a Command Prompt (or Git Bash if during installation you elected not to use Git from the Windows Command Prompt).

  4. Run the following commands to configure your Git username and email using the following commands, replacing Emma's name with your own. These details will be associated with any commits that you create:

  5. Optional: Install the Git credential helper on Windows

    Bitbucket supports pushing and pulling over HTTP to your remote Git repositories on Bitbucket. Every time you interact with the remote repository, you must supply a username/password combination. You can store these credentials, instead of supplying the combination every time, with the Git Credential Manager for Windows.

Install Git with Atlassian Sourcetree

Sourcetree, a free visual Git client for Windows, comes with its own bundled version of Git. You can download Sourcetree here.

To learn how to use Git with Sourcetree (and how to host your Git repositories on Bitbucket) you can follow our comprehensive Git tutorial with Bitbucket and Sourcetree.

Install Git on Linux

Debian / Ubuntu (apt-get)

Git packages are available via apt:

  1. From your shell, install Git using apt-get:

  2. Verify the installation was successful by typing git --version:

  3. Configure your Git username and email using the following commands, replacing Emma's name with your own. These details will be associated with any commits that you create:

Fedora (dnf/yum)

Git packages are available via both yum and dnf:

  1. From your shell, install Git using dnf (or yum, on older versions of Fedora):


  2. Verify the installation was successful by typing git --version:

  3. Configure your Git username and email using the following commands, replacing Emma's name with your own. These details will be associated with any commits that you create

Build Git from source on Linux

Debian / Ubuntu

Git requires the several dependencies to build on Linux. These are available via apt:

  1. From your shell, install the necessary dependencies using apt-get:

  2. Clone the Git source (or if you don't yet have a version of Git installed, download and extract it):

  3. To build Git and install it under /usr, run make:


Git requires the several dependencies to build on Linux. These are available via both yum and dnf:

  1. From your shell, install the necessary build dependencies using dnf (or yum, on older versions of Fedora):

    or using yum. For yum, you may need to install the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repository first:

  2. Symlink docbook2X to the filename that the Git build expects:

  3. Clone the Git source (or if you don't yet have a version of Git installed, download and extract it):

  4. To build Git and install it under /usr, run make:

Next up:

Setting up a repository

Start next tutorial
Technical Note TN2339

This document provides answers to frequently asked questions about command line tools.

What is the Command Line Tools Package?

The Command Line Tools Package is a small self-contained package available for download separately from Xcode and that allows you to do command line development in macOS. It consists of the macOS SDK and command-line tools such as Clang, which are installed in the /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools directory.

Downloading command-line tools is not available in Xcode for macOS 10.9. How can I install them on my machine?

In macOS 10.9 and later, the Downloads pane of Xcode Preferences does not support downloading command-line tools. Use any of the following methods to install command-line tools on your system:

  • Install Xcode

    If Xcode is installed on your machine, then there is no need to install them. Xcode comes bundled with all your command-line tools. macOS 10.9 and later includes shims or wrapper executables. These shims, installed in /usr/bin, can map any tool included in /usr/bin to the corresponding one inside Xcode. xcrun is one of such shims, which allows you to find or run any tool inside Xcode from the command line. Use it to invoke any tool within Xcode from the command line as shown in Listing 1.

    Listing 1 Using xcrun to run dwarfdump in the Terminal application.

  • Download the Command Line Tools package from the Developer website

    The Command Line Tools package is available for download on the Download for Apple Developers page. Log in with your Apple ID, then search and download the Command Line Tools package appropriate for your machine such as macOS 10.12 as shown in Figure 1.

Note: In macOS 10.9 and later, Software update notifies you when new versions of the command-line tools are available for update.

  • Install the Command Line Tools package via the Terminal application

    You can install the Command Line Tools package by running the xcode-select --install command.

    Note: macOS comes bundled with xcode-select, a command-line tool that is installed in /usr/bin. It allows you to manage the active developer directory for Xcode and other BSD development tools. See its man page for more information.

How can I uninstall the command-line tools?

  • Xcode includes all of the command-line tools. If it is installed on your system, remove it to uninstall the command-line tools.

  • If the /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools directory exists on your system, remove it to uninstall the command-line tools.

I have multiple versions of Xcode installed on my machine. What version of Xcode do the command-line tools currently use?

To find out what version of Xcode is being used by your tools, run the following command in Terminal:

Listing 2 Printing the version of Xcode currently used by the command-line tools.

How do I select the default version of Xcode to use for my command-line tools?

To select a default Xcode for your command-line tools, run the following command in Terminal:

where <path/to/> is the path to the package you wish to use for development.

Listing 3 Setting the default Xcode version.

How do I build my projects from the command line?

xcodebuild is a command-line tool that allows you to perform build, query, analyze, test, and archive operations on your Xcode projects and workspaces from the command line. It operates on one or more targets contained in your project, or a scheme contained in your project or workspace. xcodebuild provides several options for performing these operations as seen its man page. xcodebuild saves the output of your commands in the locations defined in the Locations preferences pane of your Xcode application, by default.

See below for various xcodebuild usage. Be sure to navigate to the directory containing your project or workspace in Terminal before running any of the following commands.

  • To list all schemes in your workspace, run the following command in Terminal:

    where <your_workspace_name> is the name of your workspace.

    Listing 4 Listing all schemes in the MyApplication workspace.

  • To list all targets, build configurations, and schemes used in your project, run the following command in Terminal:

    where <your_project_name> is the name of your project.

    Listing 5 Listing all information about MyProject, an Xcode project.

  • To build a scheme in your project, run the following command in Terminal:

    where <your_scheme_name> and build are respectively the name of your scheme to be built and the action to be performed on your scheme.

    Listing 6 Building the tvOS scheme.

    Note: xcodebuild supports various build actions such as build, analyze, and archive that can be performed on your target or scheme. However, build is performed by default when no action is specified as shown in Listing 7.

  • To build your target with a configuration file, run the following command in Terminal:

    where <your_target_name> and <your_configuration_file> are respectively the name of your target to be built and the name of your configuration file. See Xcode Help's Build configuration file reference for more information about xcconfig files.

    Listing 7 Building the iOS target with a configuration file.

  • To change the output locations of your xcodebuild command, use the SYMROOT (Build Products Path) and DSTROOT (Installation Build Products Location) build settings that respectively specify a location for your debug products and .dSYM files and one for your released products. See Xcode Help's Build setting reference for more information about these build settings.

    Listing 8 Setting up a location for iOS' debug app version.

    Listing 9 Setting up a location for iOS's released app version.

My app has multiple build configurations. How do I set a default build configuration for xcodebuild?

In Xcode, the Configurations section of your project's Info pane provides a pop-up menu, which sets the default configuration to be used by xcodebuild when building a target. Use this pop-up menu to select a default build configuration for xcodebuild as seen in Figure 2.

How do I run unit tests from the command line?

xcodebuild provides several options for running unit tests.

To build and run unit tests from the command line, execute the following command in Terminal:

To build unit tests without running them from the command line, execute the following command in Terminal:

To run unit tests without building them from the command line, execute any of the following command in Terminal:

The test action requires specifying a scheme and a destination. See How do I implement the Build For Testing and Test Without Building features from the command line? for more information about build-for-testing and test-without-building actions.

The -workspace option allows you to specify the name of your workspace. Use this option when your scheme is contained in an Xcode workspace.

The -project option allows you to specify the name of your Xcode project. Use this option when your scheme is contained in an Xcode project. It is required when there are multiple Xcode projects in the same directory and optional, otherwise.

The -destination option allows you to specify a destination for your unit tests. It takes an argument <destination-specifier>, which describes the device, simulator, or Mac to use as a destination. It consists of a set of comma-separated key=value pairs, which are dependent upon the the device, simulator, or Mac being used.

The -only-testing and -skip-testing options, which are optional, allow you to run only a specific test and to skip a test, respectively. They take an argument <test-identifier>, which specifies the test to be executed or excluded. test-identifier's format is as follows:

TestTarget, which is required, is the name of the test bundle. TestClass and TestMethod, which are both optional, respectively represent the name of the class and the name of the method to be tested.

Note: See Xcode Scheme and Run your app in Simulator for more information about scheme and destination, respectively.

  • For macOS apps, destinationspecifier supports the platform and arch keys as seen in Table 1. Both keys are required for running your unit tests in macOS.

    Table 1 Supported keys for macOS apps.





    The supported destination for your unit tests.



    The architecture to use to run your unit tests.

    i386 or x86_64

    See Listing 10 for an example that tests a scheme in macOS and where destinationspecifier is set to 'platform=macOS,arch=x86_64'.

    Listing 10 Tests the macOS scheme for 64-bit in macOS.

  • For iOS and tvOS apps, destinationspecifier supports the platform, name, and id keys as seen in Table 2.

    Table 2 Supported keys for iOS and tvOS apps.





    The supported destination for your unit tests.

    iOS (for iOS apps)tvOS (for tvOS apps)


    The full name of your device to be used for your unit tests.

    The name of your device as displayed in the Devices Organizer in Xcode.


    The identifier of your device to be used for your unit tests.

    See Locate a device identifier for more information about getting your device identifier.

    The name and id keys are intergeably used with platform, which is a required key as seen in Listing 11 and Listing 12.

    Listing 11 Tests the iOS scheme on a device identified by 965058a1c30d845d0dcec81cd6b908650a0d701c.

    Listing 12 Testing the iOSApp scheme on an iPhone.

    Listing 13 Do not test iOSAppUITests on an iPhone.

    Listing 14 Only testing SecondTestClass' testExampleB in the iOSAppTests unit test.

  • For iOS Simulator and tvOS Simulator apps, destinationspecifier supports the platform, name, id, and OS keys as seen in Table 3.

    Table 3 Supported keys for iOS Simulator and tvOS Simulator apps.





    The supported destination for your unit tests.

    iOS Simulator (iOS apps)tvOS Simulator (tvOS apps)


    The full name of the simulator (iOS simulator for iOS apps and tvOS Simulator for tvOS apps) to be used for your unit tests and as displayed in the run destination of your Xcode project.

    The name of your device as displayed in the Devices Organizer in Xcode.


    The identifier of your device to be used for your unit tests.

    See Locate a device identifier for more information about getting your device identifier.


    The version of iOS or tvOS to simulate such as 9.0 or the string latest to indicate the most recent version of iOS supported by your version of Xcode.

    An iOS version, tvOS version, or latest

    The name and id keys are intergeably used with platform, which is a required key as shown in Listing 15 and Listing 16. The OS key is optional.

    Listing 15 Tests the iOS scheme on an iPad Pro (12.9 inch) with iOS 10.2 in the Simulator.

    Listing 16 Tests the tvOS scheme on an tvOS Simulator identified by D6FA2C2A-E297-406A-AA22-624B4834ACB2.

The -destination option also allows you to run the same unit test on multiple destinations. This is done by adding it multiple times to your xcodebuild test command as demonstrated in Listing 17.

Listing 17 Tests the iOS scheme in both the Simulator and on an iPod touch.

Note: xcodebuild runs your tests sequentially. For instance In Listing 17, xcodebuild will first test iOS in the Simulator before executing it on the iPod touch.

How do I implement the Build For Testing and Test Without Building features from the command line?

  • xcodebuild provides the build-for-testing action for Xcode's Product > Build For > Testing feature. You must specify a scheme to use it. To use it, execute the following command in Terminal:

    See How do I run unit tests from the command line? for more information about xcodebuild build-for-testing's options.

    Listing 18 Builds tests and associated targets in the tvOS scheme using the tvOS Simulator identified by D6FA2C2A-E297-406A-AA22-624B4834ACB2.

    build-for-testing generates an xctestrun file, which is saved in the derived data folder. See xcodebuild.xctestrun's man page for more information about xctestrun files.

  • xcodebuild provides the test-without-building action for Xcode's Product > Perform Action > Test Without Building feature. test-without-building requires that you specify either a scheme or an xctestrun file.

    • Usage when using a scheme

      See How do I run unit tests from the command line? for more information about xcodebuild test-without-building's options.

      Important: When using a scheme, test-without-building searches for bundles in the build root (SYMROOT). Therefore, be sure to build your target or that your build root includes the bundles to be tested before running this command. See Xcode Help's Build settings reference for more information about SYMROOT.

      Listing 19 Tests the iOSApp scheme on an iPhone SE with iOS 10.1 in the Simulator.

    • Usage when using an xctestrun file

      where <your_xctestrun_name> is the name of the file containing your test run parameters. See xcodebuild.xctestrun' s man page for more information about xctestrun files. See How do I run unit tests from the command line? for more information about the other options.

      Important: When using an xctestrun file, test-without-building searches for bundles at paths specified in the file. Therefore, be sure that the bundles exist at the specified paths before running this command.

      Listing 20 Testing bundles and other parameters specified in iOSApp_iphonesimulator.xctestrun using the iOS Simulator identified by 6DC4A7BA-EA7F-40D6-A327-A0A9DF82F7F6.

      Listing 21 Tests everything but iOSAppUITests specified in iOSApp_iphonesimulator.xctestrun using the iOS Simulator identified by 3D95DF14-E8B7-4A05-B65B-78F381B74B22.

Note:build-for-testing and test-without-building provide support for continuous integration systems.

What keys can I pass to the exportOptionsPlist flag?

To get all available keys for -exportOptionsPlist, run the following command in Terminal:

Listing 22 Fetching all keys supported by -exportOptionsPlist.

See Figure 3 for a sample file that contains some options for the -exportOptionsPlist flag.

Install Xcode Command Line Tools Terminal Catalina

How do I archive and export my app for distribution?

To archive and export your app for distribution, run the following command in Terminal:

where <xcarchivepath> specifies the archive or the path of the archive to be exported, <destinationpath> specifies where to save the exported product, and <path> is the path to the file with a list of options for the -exportOptionsPlist flag.

Listing 23 Exports the iOSApp archive to the Release location with the options saved in the OptionsPlist.plist.

Install Xcode Command Line Tools Terminal

Document Revision History


Updated the 'How do I run unit tests from the command line?' question.Added the 'How do I implement the Build For Testing and Test Without Building features from the command line?' and 'What keys can I pass to the exportOptionsPlist flag?' questions.

Updated the 'How do I run unit tests from the command line?' question.Added the 'How do I implement the Build For Testing and Test Without Building features from the command line?' and 'What keys can I pass to the exportOptionsPlist flag?' questions.


New document that provides answers to frequently asked questions about command-line tools.


Install Xcode Command Line Tools Terminals

Install Xcode Command Line Tools Terminal Mojave

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