Osx Zip Directory

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  1. Linux Zip Directory Command
  2. Linux Zip Directory
  3. Osx Directory Zip File


A featured plugin to add 360 degrees and 3d animate view in wordpress using shortcodes
Responsive Web Design
Displays 3D model on wordPress page, post, or custom page
3D model Rotation enabled
Based on a sequence of images (jpg or png) to animate and display the product
Transparency available for png images
Zoom option (best viewed on fullscreen)
Images can be generated with Blender animation
Photography turntable ready

Linux Zip Directory Command

Looking for a 3D model (obj, stl, wrl, fbx format) full rotation & zoom plugin?
Try the Vrm360 wordpress 3D plugin


Download WordPress Plugin page: wordpress plugins spin360 page

GitHub WordPress Plugin: https://github.com/easyw/spin360

jQuery plugin page: http://spritespin.ginie.eu/

Plugin Features

  • 3D model Display
  • 360 deg and 3D view enabled
  • Photography turntable ready
  • ShortCodes System
  • Very Lightweight


  1. Upload the plugin files to the your_wordpress_plugins_dir/spin360 directory, or Install as a regular WordPress plugin
  2. Go your Plugins page via WordPress Dashboard and activate it
  3. Use these shortcodes to post or page

    [spin360 canvas_name='s1' imgs_folder='my_product/' imgs_nbr=100 aspect_ratio=1.33333 speed=1.0 loop=true]

    [spin360 canvas_name='s1' imgs_folder='spin360demo/' imgs_nbr=48 aspect_ratio=1.33333]

    [spin360 canvas_name='s1' imgs_folder='spin360demo/' imgs_nbr=100 autostart=false gesture=vertical]

    [spin360 canvas_name='s1' imgs_folder='spin360demo/' imgs_nbr=36 hide_cmds=all]

    defaults: canvas_name='s1', aspect_ratio=1.33333, speed=-1.0, loop=true hide_cmds=zoom,fullscreen

    Be sure to use the HTML editor when inserting shortcodes!

    check that your Quotation marks are exactly the correct symbol (Alt 34)

  4. Use jpg or png image files to display your model as a dynamic sequence;

    Name your images as following: 0001.jpg, 0002.jpg, ..., 0048.jpg (4 digits name)

    for png as following: 0001.png, 0002.png, ..., 0048.png (4 digits name) and add img_type=png to your shortcode

    NB.jpg or .png extension MUST be lowercase

    [spin360 canvas_name='s1' imgs_folder='spin360demo/' imgs_nbr=36 img_type=png]

    for 3D models the image sequence can be generated using Blender turntable animation

    upload your project image files in a your_wordpress_uploads_dir/spin360show subfolder

    (i.e 'your_wordpress_uploads_dir/spin360show/my_product/') via a standard FTP access

    NB: for multisite add /sites/#blog_id/ to path your_wordpress_uploads_dir/sites/2/spin360show

  5. Modify the css style to adapt some features

    • change css/spin-style.css to change some style aspect
  6. click to stop animation, click and hold to drag, double click to restart or invert sense of animation

Shortcode Parameters:

Osx Zip Directory
  • canvas_name = canvas name needed in case of multiple shows on the same page (required)
  • imgs_folder = folder of image sequence project; i.e.: 'spin360demo/' or 'my_product' (required)
  • imgs_nbr = any number > 1; i.e.: 100 image screenshots (required)

    Note: name your images as following: 0001.jpg, 0002.jpg, ..., 0100.jpg (4 digits name)
    or for png as following: 0001.png, 0002.png, ..., 0100.png (4 digits name) and add img_type=png to your shortcode
    Don’t mix up jpg with png image types on the same project folder.

  • speed = any number > 0.1 and < 10; i.e.: 1.5; Negative values will start the animation reversed
  • aspect_ratio = any number i.e.: 1.3333 for 4/3 aspect ratio
  • change css/spin-style.css to adapt some style aspect (as loading image or button font color)
  • loop = true or false (default is true)
  • autostart = true or false (default is true) auto start the animation on load
  • gesture = ‘horizontal’ (default) will make animation on mouse left/right movement; ‘vertical’ value will make animation on mouse up/dowm movement
  • hide_cmds = all, fullscreen, reverse, zoom or false (default is false)
  • button_color = ‘#00ABFF’ (default) HTML color values


3D model Rotation, 360 view enabled, based on image sequences

  • Fully Responsive design; works on mobile devices;
  • click to STOP;
  • click and hold to DRAG;
  • doubleclick to RESTART;
  • speed parameter, loop=true/false, full screen optimization

  • in case you have trouble in FTP your image folders under the folder your_wordpress_uploads_dir/spin360show, check the spin360show folder permissions or just delete it and make a new one

  • for multisite add /sites/#blog_id/ to path your_wordpress_uploads_dir/sites/2/spin360show
  • shortcode support for alternative location of your 360 product images; valuable when you need to host image assets on a dedicated file server or CDN; just place your full folder location path in 'imgs_folder' shortcode variable
  • be sure to use the HTML editor when inserting shortcodes
  • to have many spinning images or to resize the image in the page, it is possible to use the shortcode inside i.e. a table and set the cell dimension of the table. That will force the plugin to resize itself to the cell size
  • Check if your Quotation marks are exactly the correct symbol (Alt 34) https://usefulshortcuts.com/alt-codes/punctuation-alt-codes.php
  • clear your site cache after a plugin update
  • in case of use of “minify HTML” plugin, don’t enable compression for inline scripts


Osx Zip Directory
I rarely review plugins but i have to admit this one is quite good to showcase anything in 360 rotation! I had issues at the beginning but found the solution:my images are 1920x108 then it's 1.7777 ratio. and i have 36 of them... make sure they are numbered 0001.jpg and its jpg not jpeg! and here is the code to put in a text widget:[spin360 canvas_name=s1 imgs_folder=my-full-path-to-the-images-incl-http imgs_nbr=36 aspect_ratio=1.77777 img_type=jpg speed=0.4 autostart=true loop=false button_color=#000000]Cheers!PS: use imgoptim to compress these 1mb images to 144kb each

Linux Zip Directory

ApacheDS 2.0
About Apache

ApacheDS is an extensible and embeddable directory server entirely written in Java, which has been certified LDAPv3 compatible by the Open Group. Besides LDAP it supports Kerberos 5 and the Change Password Protocol. It has been designed to introduce triggers, stored procedures, queues and views to the world of LDAP which has lacked these rich constructs.

ApacheDS is a multi-platform application and runs on Mac OS X, Linux and Windows.

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Osx Directory Zip File

  • ( we don’t have a MAC OSX installer for this version…)